Saturday, August 24, 2013

10 miles of pure determination

This morning I ran in a 10 mile race. I have never ran that distance before. I knew I definitely had to prepare and train for the 10 miles. I ran a 5 mile race at the beginning of the week and went for another long run days later. Throughout the week, I drank more water than I normally do and continued to stay active. Yesterday, I drank even more water and took the day off from exercise. I got more sleep than usual too. I was extremely nervous because I never ran 10 miles before, so I wasn’t completely sure I could do it. I became excited for the race as I picked out my running clothes and charged my mp3 player the night before.

As I was getting ready this morning, the nerves were still ever so present. After getting to the race and in my assigned corral according to my pace, I was getting more and more excited.

 I knew this 10 miles would be a challenge, but I also knew I was going to do my best and push myself to run every single step. The first mile went by fast. Around the 2nd mile, I thought about walking. Even though I thought about it, I was not going to let myself start walking at the 2nd mile.  I knew if I walked it would take even longer to get to the finish line. I continued to run through the 2nd, 3rd and 4th miles. Between miles 4 and 5 there were some large hills, which I didn’t expect. Those hills were definitely challenging, but I still continued. I also continued through miles 5, 6 and 7. Around the 8 mile marker, I thought “I got this. I so got this!”. I  had gotten a second wind and didn’t want to give up with only 2 miles to go. I saw the 9th mile marker and became so excited that I was almost done. I continued and once the finish line was insight, I picked up my speed. It was wonderful to cross the finish line. I was so happy that I made it, but was quite tired.
I was so glad when I finally found a shaded spot to sit.

I’m so surprised that I was able to do that. My next big challenge will be my half marathon. Only 3 more miles to add on, but a lot of training still to do.
Once I got home, I thought about trying to go for a bike ride later in the day, but now I think  I'll push that off to tomorrow.
Besides all the excitement of my first 10 mile race, I also hit another huge milestone earlier in the week. I have now lost 180 pounds!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

In competition with myself

This past Sunday I ran in another 8k race. My previous 8k was months ago and the course was on trails and quite hilly. I knew this race would be much different. This one was mostly on country roads with the race ending after one lap around a track. I know I could definitely do the distance and wanted to improve my time.

Once the race began, I found myself trying to compete with other runners and match their speed. I wanted to run faster to make sure nobody would pass me. I soon realized that I should not be competing with other runners, I need to only compete with myself. I no longer watched the other runners, and instead ran my best. I was focused and had a great run.

The 5 miles seemed to just click by. During the last ¼ mile, with the finish line in sight, I started sprinting. I ran this race 8 minutes faster than my previous 8k. I was very excited about my time and I think the lack of hills had something to do with that. I also was quite surprised how thirsty I was once I was done running. I think I drank 3 or 4 waters immediately after I finished.

Although I love running, I also love the feeling of crossing the finishing line.


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Inspirational Quotes.

These statements below have given me strength and courage when I needed them the most. Enjoy!

1.    You can lie to everyone, but you CAN NOT lie to yourself.

2.    No one can help you, but YOU!

3.    You are your biggest support and biggest critic.

4.    You DO control food, it doesn’t control you.

5.    You CAN really do this. DO NOT give up on yourself.

6.    It’s not about what you’re losing. It’s about what you’re gaining.

7.    There is ALWAYS a healthier alternative.

8.    Focus on ONE day at a time.

9.    Tomorrow is NEVER granted to anyone, there is ONLY today.

10. Go! Drink water.

Friday, August 16, 2013


Last night, I ran my 20th race since the beginning of 2013. Earlier in the day, I told myself that this 5k road race would be my redemption. I had an embarrassing 5k last week and I wanted to redeem myself. During the past week, I have had some difficulties avoiding food temptations resulting in eating larger portions and continuous snacking throughout the day. Even though I slipped back a little into my old mentality, I was able to control it enough so it didn’t affect my weight loss, in fact I still continued to lose. Yesterday, prior to the race, someone asked if I ate better during the day than I did last Thursday. My response was "Yes and I’m back." I said I’m back because I picked myself back up from the temptations and was ready to show myself that I still had it. I was motivated, determined, ready to run and ready to push myself until the end.

I had a GREAT time running. I kept myself focused on the goal and I was truly enjoying it. While running the course, I kept looking down and noticing these sewer covers. Half way through the race, I felt so good that I actually leaped over one and continued running. After that I actually chuckled at my confidence, bravery and determination to not fall during my impromptu leap. The course was similar to a figure 8 and once I realized I was turning back on the main road, I turned my music a little louder and kept on running. 

One of the song that was on my playlist was “Never Give Up On A Good Time” by the Spice Girls. I thought that was so appropriate. I was having such a good time and that silly song definitely help. I knew if people weren’t around, I would have belted it out like I was the 6th Spice Girl. Hmm, maybe Running Spice?!

I love when running seems easy and the time (and distance) just clicks by before you realize it. That helped during the race and before I knew it we were making the last turn and I knew the finish line was just down the hill. Another runner picked up her pace and actually passed me. I didn’t want that to happen, so I sped up too. We were running the same pace until the very end, I sped up even more. I ended up passing her and as a result achieved my fastest time ever. (See picture below)


 Once I finished I was so proud and excited about my time. I felt amazing. (See picture below)

 It’s such a wonderful feeling to have a goal in mind and push yourself beyond it. Talk about a redemption!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Final Countdown.

Exactly 2 weeks from today is my first 10 mile race. Today is also exactly 8 weeks until my first half marathon. Wow! Those races are quickly approaching.

With these milestones in mind, I do not have any time to slack... at anything. I don't have time to give into food temptations or even miss a workout. I need to lace up my shoes at every opportunity possible, even on days I don't feel like it. I know I need to push myself a little harder than I usually do.

For these races, I'm not focused on my time, only my ability to finish. I know eventually I will compete again in 10 mile races and half marathons, so I'll have plenty of time to focus on improving my time and getting faster.

I am very excited for these two major milestones. I feel determined, motivated and confident. I know I'll be ready. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A disappointing run.

Earlier tonight I ran a 5k race. Before the race began, I was quite excited and motivated, but also felt a little off. Once I started running, I knew I could keep going, but had thoughts about starting to walk. I told myself that you can do this, but if you absolutely had to, you could walk. Half way through the race, there was a water station, I got a second wind and sped up. Moments later, I started feeling queasy. I wanted to continue to run, but my body had another plan and I ended up getting sick. I wanted to keep going, but I knew I should stop. I walked a little and then sat down on the curb waiting for a family member who was walking in the race.

While I was waiting, I was so disappointed in myself and realized I brought this on myself. Since I started running 5ks, I have walked before, but I have never stopped and sat down. After waiting a while, I started to walk again. I walked probably 1 mile, then I turned my music back on and forced myself to start running.

After finishing the race, I started to think why that would have happened. It didn’t take long to realize I didn’t make the best eating choices today. I knew I had eaten way more than I should have. Even though I still ate healthy, I didn't following portion sizes because I kept telling myself that I could probably burn it off during the race.

My portions lately have been slowly increasing and I need to stop that before it becomes out of control. I need to become more aware of portion sizes and stick with them. I need to remind my mind that I’m not who I used to be and I can’t eat what I used to eat nor can I eat the quantity I used to. My body has obviously gotten the memo, I just need to deliver it to my mind and keep myself reminded of that.

As I type this, I am finally starting to feel a little better (a whole 5 hours after the incident). I am now regretful, upset, angry, disappointed, sad, embarrassed and ashamed that I brought that upon myself.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

In the fridge...

Here is a look inside the fridge. Photo taken around 9p.

On the top- a tray full of apples, lemons, oranges and plums; blueberries; yogurt.

Below- lemon water; a bowl of premade salad; cottage cheese; raw and boiled eggs.

Next- bowl of peaches; green and red grapes.

Last- big head of cabbage; cartons of grape tomatoes.

Below in a drawer (Not shown in picture)- bag of spinach; roma tomatoes; cucumbers; zucchinis; summer squash; eggplant.

Below in another drawer (Also not shown in picture)- white and red potatoes; green, red and jalapeƱo peppers; white, yellow and red onion.

In the door of the fridge- avocadoes; almond and skim milk; greek yogurt; salad dressings; salsa; carton of egg whites.

I went shopping days ago, so we are quite stocked. I really enjoy shopping for produce especially at local farmer's markets. The fridge is usually clean and organized. Fruits and vegetables are always available in bowls for a quick snack.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Another victory for me!

This morning, I ran my 3rd 10k! The first mile was pretty difficult because I kept having thoughts that I should start walking. I knew if I let myself walk, the 10 mile run, now only weeks away, would be very difficult. I reminded myself that I ran a 10k before and I knew I could have done, so I kept running and overcame those negative thoughts. I stayed positive, focused and determined. After I ran the first 3 miles, I knew I could finish and I knew I was going to finish.

At one point in the run, I was running away from the sun and noticed my shadow in front of me. I stared at my shadow, not believing it was actually mine. The shadow seemed much smaller than I remembered. As the miles passed, it felt easier and easier to continue running until I cross the finish line. I ran the whole race and even ran this course faster that my previous 10k by 5 whole minutes!

Below are pictures from today's race. The first picture is running into the home stretch, almost crossing the finish line. The second is immediately after I finished.


My next race is a 5k on the 8th! BRING IT ON!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

No excuse

About an hour ago, I faced the following situation- exercise or not exercise? I knew if I didn't exercise, it would become a free day, meaning I would purposely derail my eating by using the excuse "You can restart tomorrow. Plus you're running a 10k in the morning". I tried to justify a final decision by using that excuse, but I knew I should not give in. So, instead of thinking about the snacks that I was going to have, I threw on my exercise clothes and laced up my shoes. I knew I made the right decision, but once I got to the park, I found myself procrastinating by cleaning my purse and car. I forced myself out of the car and went for a 2 mile bike ride.

I know the 2 mile bike ride isn't much, compared to what I'm used to do. I KNEW I had to do some exercising or else I would have found myself in the kitchen multiple times before bed. I know it's still early in the evening, but I plan on exercising soon more. I WILL avoid the kitchen until tomorrow morning.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

An exciting month

I always look forward to a new month beginning. I usually mark my weight on a calendar and keep track of it throughout the month. I like to see how much weight I've lost during the month and what days I struggle. I don't like to focus solely on my weight to show progress. I keep track of it but also keep other signs of progress in mind. At the end of everyday, I write down what exercises I did and add those up.

Below are some of last month's statistics-
     15 miles of Running;
     12 miles of walking;
     over 68 miles of biking;
     over 4 miles of swimming;
     over 20 hours of Aerobic activity;
     3 races including 2 5ks and 1 10k and
     3 days throughout the month with no exercises.

I'm going to use the statistics from last month as goals for August. I'm hoping I can surpass these numbers. Days ago, I signed up for some races for the month of August. I signed up for 2 5ks, 1 8k, 1 10k, and a 10 mile road race. I'm really looking forward to all of my races. This Saturday will be my first race of the month, a 10k!